Friday 22 November 2013

Manvir Toor Squid Diagram (Cephalopod)

We got the chance to dissect a squid and see its internal organs. What I found most interesting about this animal was that it is a mollusc and it's from the class cephalopod. Also I found it really cool how their tentacles and arms are attached with their head. I found the internal organs interesting too, especially the ink sac. I got the chance to use the ink sac and got the chance to write stuff with it like my name. The squid is useful in its environment because it acts like both a prey and a predator. When it is a predator, it uses it's sharp teeth and it's suction cups, which are on its tentacles to hold its prey. When the squid is a prey, it releases a jet full of ink when it is in danger. When it releases ink, it gives the squid a chance to quickly swim away by using its siphon to move quickly. 


  1. Hence the name cephalopod (head and foot are on the same side). Imagine us with our feet attached to our head.
