Friday 17 January 2014

Manvir Toor Key things learned in Biology 11

Biology 11 was an interesting course and I really enjoyed it. There were many things we learned in this course. We covered 6 kingdoms called: eubacteria, archaebacteria, protista, animalia, plantae and fungi. There were different phylums to these kingdoms. We learned how these plants and animals all survive in different environments. We also learned their mode of nutrition, if they were multicellular or unicellular, how they reproduce and how they were more evolved from one another. We basically went from learning something simple such as stuff about cells and then learning more complex stuff such as plants and animals. It was cool understanding how we went from learning something very simple like bacteria and then ending up into more complex things like animals and plants. I really enjoyed doing all the different dissections during our animal unit. I really enjoyed out field trip to the aquarium too because we got to go into the wet lab and get a hands on experience with all the phylums were covered in the course. One thing I would change about the course would be to do more dissections and actually get the chance to do a hands on lab dissection of the frog. I also feel like there should be more field trips similar to the aquarium. I really enjoyed this course and I cannot wait to continue it in biology 12 and being able to do even bigger dissections. I loved the hands on experience we got throughout the course. 

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you enjoyed the dissections. We did lots of dissections compared to some schools so you are lucky as for the frog dissection next time I will probably give students the option of doing a real frog or the virtual.
